TCHS Cross Country-Mud, Sweat, and Tears

The Timber Creek Cross Country team, is more than just a team, they’re a support system. The team this year is making amazing success at the start of their season. They officially began their 2016 season at the Hebron Hawk 2-mile Invitational on Aug. 19. They did very well and started their long season off with the right foot.

Cross country is a highly competitive sport and requires a tremendous amount of work ethic and practice. The team starts off their day at 6:15 a.m. every Monday through Saturday. Their practice starts with warm up and an easy milage, then the real workout begins. Sunday’s are optional practices for those runners who just can’t get enough mileage on their shoes.

Cross country Coach Dan Strong, tries to provide extra encouragement and support by high five-ing all the varsity runners. He gives the team regular pep talks and boosts the runners motivation. At the start of practice he tells the runners how he’s noticed each of their hard work, and how their striving as a team to push themselves to make it to state.

“We work well as a team because we help each other achieve our goals by critiquing and supporting each other.” said Rich Gonzalez, sophomore.

Not only with an excessive workout and an encouraging coach, but the cross country teams’ success is also based on the actual runners connection to one another. Each member of the Cross Country team is responsible for not only trying their best for themselves but for the team as a whole.

“It’s a team sport and how each and every individual preforms effects how the team places.” said Walter Reed, junior.

Cross country isn’t based on how many touchdowns or goals you make but rather being at the right time in the right place. The runners are scored individually on what place and time they finish and then all together at meets. If one runner doesn’t give it everything they’ve got at a race, then the team has a risk of scoring lower than expected.

“The hardest part of cross country would be having the mindset of trying your hardest no matter how tough it is.” said Gonzalez.

The runners are not able to take a timeout. However the cross country team isn’t always running, they have to maintain their highly respected status on and off the road.

At practice runners are trying to  improve time, pass the next runner, or make it up that hill. All so they can be ready during a meet, when their hearts are pumping, sweat is dripping, and legs are burning, all the runners can do is keep calm and run on.

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