Everything You Need to Know About 2016 PSAT Testing

Timber Creek High School will be administering the PSAT/NMSQT, formally known was the Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test, on Wednesday, Oct. 19, 2016.

All sophomores, juniors and freshmen who pre-registered to take the test will be expected to report to their testing centers at 8:30 a.m. All sophomores and juniors were automatically registered prior to the PSAT, with no further registration needed. Freshmen who wanted to take the PSAT needed to sign up beforehand.

There will be an altered bell schedule on the day of PSAT testing, and it will count as a regular day of school. Students will not be released early from testing centers. It is advised that students should arrive at school well-rested and not on an empty stomach, because food and drinks will not be allowed in testing centers.




Scan this code to see the testing room assignments, or click below to see the PDF version.

Click here for the PDF list of PSAT Room Assignments.

Students who arrive after testing has started will not be allowed to take the test, and must report to the attendance office upon arrival. All non-testing students are to report to school at 11:00 a.m. Freshmen who did not register for the PSAT and sophomores or juniors who are not allowed to test due to tardiness are all to report to the Large Gym at 11:00 a.m. for attendance. All seniors are to report to the Small Gym at 11:00 a.m. for attendance. Students who are unable to find transportation for late arrival can arrive at regularly scheduled time and report to the Large Gym. All off campus classes will be canceled due to testing. Students in off campus classes will report to the Library during these class periods.

Students who are testing need to bring a sack lunch, a calculator, and pencils for the exams. Sack lunches will be available for purchase in the cafeteria the morning of testing. Parents will not be allowed to drop things off during testing, so students need to bring all needed supplies to the testing room.

The PSAT/NMSQT contains 3 sections: Evidence-Based Reading, Writing and Language, and Math (Calculator and No Calculator). The purpose of the PSAT is to prepare for the SAT or ACT, assess and strengthen skills needed in college, and begin learning and entering the mailing lists of different colleges. It also gives juniors the chance to compete for National Merit Scholarships.

For students taking dual-credit classes, a combined score of 107 on the PSAT/NMSQT with a minimum of 50 on the Critical Reading section and/or the Mathematics section will exempt you from the TSi and many college application requirements.

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