TCHS StuCo Works All Night to “Lock-In” New Friendships and Leadership Skills

The clock reads 2:15 a.m. and the rest of the school falls silent. However, with drowsy eyes and dazed expressions, Student Council members continued to work through the night.

TCHS Student Council, informally known as StuCo, held a member lock-in at TCHS from the night of Saturday, Oct. 22 to the morning of Sunday, Oct. 23, where students had the opportunities to bond with other peers, participate in games, and learn about different aspects of Student Council for a whopping twelve hours straight.

“The purpose of the lock-in was to grow students leaders on our campus and to grow closer as a council, and I believe that we accomplished that goal.” Kaylee Wyman, Student Council Vice President, explained.

Upon arrival at 6 p.m, members were greeted with burgers and hot dogs made especially by Principal Donnie Bartlett to kickstart the exciting lock-in. Members were encouraged to socialize and get to know their peers. With an ongoing game of Assassin throughout the course of the night, members familiarized themselves with each other through icebreakers and collaborative brainstorming.

When asked about what she enjoyed most at the lock-in, Sophomore Hannah Engebretson responded, “I liked getting to know some of the other people in StuCo without the stress of the school day, and I thought the mini leadership sessions were helpful.”

Fun and games aside, members constructed personal statements as well as overall student council mission statements that defined the roles and purpose of the organization as a whole. These statements also represented the goals that Student Council wanted to achieve and the type of atmosphere that they strived to create. In between serious brainstorming meetings, students separated into periods of undesignated free time, where they had the freedom to play games, shoot baskets, and even participate in a Zumba session led by StuCo Advisor Stacey Cleveland.

Continuing through the early morning, student council officers held breakout sessions to talk to members about ways to strengthen their leadership. They discussed the responsibilities of being an officer and how members represent student council in their daily lives. Rotating from station to station, discussions ranged from social media etiquette to tips on how to de-stress.

Once students had rotated to every station, the time rested past 3 a.m. and the delusion had begun to set in. Members now had the freedom to choose their activities for the rest of the night until dismissal at 7 a.m. While some students rushed to the comfort of their sleeping bags, others decided to watch a sentimental screening of “The Blind Side”, compete against other members in board games, or rap to their favorite Vanilla Ice song. Regardless of what they chose to do, they spent the night getting to know their fellow StuCo members and making memories that would last well after the night was over.

Similar to this lock-in, StuCo events and occasions bring members closer together and leave them with lasting friendships and memories. Stuck allows students to serve their community and help others while still having fun. Student Council deadlines have been extended until the Friday before Thanksgiving Break, which is Nov. 18. For students who want to strengthen leadership skills and participate in future events, pick up applications in N229.

“The Timber Creek Student Council wants the best for the members of the school. The Student Council Officers really strive to create a positive culture and climate not just in our school, but in our community,” said Wyman, “We hope to emulate that in our members as well. I believe we created members like that through the lock-in. It was all worth it.”

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