Timber Creek Band is Climbing the Charts

After a long four-hour drive to Houston, the Timber Creek Band came home with 11th place and an amazing performance. Only .8 of a point away from making finals, the band was able to come home with pride and a big upgrade from last year when they made 23rd at BOA Arlington.

Some students are viewing this experience as a way for the band to improve, including center marimba player Jewls Fletcher.

“Getting 11th may seem like it would be a disappointment, but the band has improved a lot since last year, and we hope to keep progressing for our next contest so we can place even higher,” said Fletcher.

The band was also featured in many articles including 24 Live Blog written by Brandon Quam, complimenting them on their foot placement and posture. In , one even classified the band as a rising star to look out for.

“It doesn’t even seem like we’re the same band because of how much we’ve grown,” said junior clarinet player Brenda Banda.

The band’s next competition is this weekend, Oct. 8, and takes place in Plano. They will perform at 11:15 a.m. in hopes of making finals later that night. Students and staff are all excited to see what the band will be able to accomplish for the rest of the year, including staff member Jordan Pursad.

“We received our highest ranking against some of the top marching bands in the nation last Saturday. I can’t wait to see the Falcon band continue to grow and improve.”

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