TC Band Students Pitch in for Private Lesson Teacher

TC Band students blow their teacher away with an unexpected surprise holiday gift — a PS4.

Danny Brock is a trumpet private lesson teacher for Keller ISD. Brock, among many other lesson teachers, spend countless hours teaching students all over the district to be the best musicians they can be. Tanner Price, a junior at Timber Creek, decided to raise money to get Mr. Brock a gift to repay him for all the work he puts in for his students.

“Mr. Brock has helped the trumpet section grow in ways words cannot describe this year. The rest of the trumpet leaders and I thought it’d be awesome if we could get him something that’s even start to repay him for everything he’s done for us,” said Price.

They contacted the students in the trumpet section and asked if they were interested in giving money towards buying a big gift for him, a Play Station 4. Over a dozen people donated, including some people who aren’t even students of Brock. About $200 was raised and Chris LeCount, a trumpet section leader, kindly offered to cover the rest.

When Brock received the gift, he was ecstatic, as them getting it had been a well kept secret. When he began unwrapping and saw that the box said “PS4” he immediately thought that he had been pranked. He had to open the box and take out the console to believe that the gift was real.

“While unwrapping it, he turned cherry red, started sweating profusely, and grew giddy, which was amazing to see, since none of us trumpeters had ever seen our private lesson teacher this happy. It was almost like he was a kid again,” said Price, “It definitely wasn’t easy to organize and buy the PS4, but seeing the look on his face, and how happy and excited it was for him made it all worth it.”

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