Timber Creek Welcomes In A New Year With Banners

When Timber Creek students came back from the 2016-2017 holiday break, they were greeted with a pleasant surprise. The main hallway was lined with students on banners with the caption “I am Timber Creek.” Students throughout various organizations were displayed on the banners showcasing their talents. From the fine art department to the rodeo club, no students were left out of the mix.

The concept of the banners were set up by the yearbook advisor, Kathy Beers, a couple years back.

“We started thinking of the banners a few years ago. I’ve seen things at Ballpark in Arlington with the banners, their branding and colors. So for the last few years we were toying with the different ideas. This year when Mr. Bartlett said he wanted to bring more colors and spirit into our hallways and showcase our awesome kids then I brought this idea to him. I showed him some pictures I had made in Photoshop with the faces on the banners and he was immediately sold on the idea. Mr. Bartlett and Mr. Johnson worked together to find funding. We played around with what photos we wanted to use and our designs to come up this,” commented Beers.

The pictures were taken by the 2016 – 2017 Yearbook staff.

A senior editor for the yearbook, Kelsey Crawford, “feels acknowledged to have some of [her] pictures on the banners throughout main hall. The Talon uses our pictures on the website consistently. However, our pictures being so much more visible in the school and being the first thing people see when they walk in is pretty cool. The reaction we are getting is also pretty cool. People are freaking out seeing themselves or their friends on the banners hung around the school.”

When students arrived to see the banners up on Tuesday morning, they felt a sense of pride in their school, especially the students who were represented for their organization.

“I’ve never been really featured on or for anything, so being up there on a banner makes me feel really good about myself,” said senior, Brooks Porter.

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