Write Support Letters for the All State Choir Advancers

The Timber Creek choir officers have hatched a plan to give encouragement to round four participants.

10 advancers and two alternates will be arriving at Central High School to compete for a spot in the All State choirs.  The choir officers will be wanting the good luck notes by Friday, Jan 6. The letters can be turned in at the box in the choir room or can be given to one of the officers. They would love for everyone to get note so that they can be confident for auditions.

These are the people who are advancing to Area:

Paisley Rasmussen

Hannah Davis

Jesse Champion

Nam Nguyen

Caroline Norton

Madelynne Vansickle

Aidan Barriga

Amanda Barber

Jacob Rodriguez

Cossette Rodriguez

Angela Richmond:Alternate

Xavier Bailey :Alternate

List of choir officers you can hand the notes to:

Amanda Barber

Hannah McIntyre

Paisley Rasmussen

Nam Nguyen

Berkley Muncy

Aidan Barriga

Cassy Belanger

Shelby Winborne


Written by 

Adrianna Jagodzinski is a 17 year old senior and a first year Talon reporter. She is a varsity mixed/show choir member in the TCHS choir program and is also in NHS. On her bucket list she wishes to skydive, go to Bolivia, and be a choir director.

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