Yearbook Sale Ends On Jan. 31

There are only a few days left to order your yearbook! The price is $80 and there will only be online registration which you can get to by going to this website:

The yearbook has a deadline on Wednesday, Feb. 1 and the staff has to have the final count of how many students want yearbook by Tuesday, Jan. 31.

“They need to order right now, or they might not get one this year.” Beers said. They will not be taking cash or checks from students. By doing this, the students can have a receipt of their purchase.

The yearbook will include many surprises- the theme is “shining brighter together” and creating positivity at Timber Creek.

A yearbook member, Amanda Barber says the book “really exemplifies what is it to shine together rather than being by ourselves.”

And something no one expected- the book will light up! The yearbook staff got the idea from a light up BMW brochure- the headlights lit up. They contacted the company who made the brochure and the yearbook found out that this would be the first time the company worked on something like this with a high school book.

At an elite weekend for the editors of many yearbooks, the editors of Timber Creek talked to the “Yearbook Whisperer” Bruce Watterson, who travels the country looking at yearbooks- commented that the Timber Creek yearbook was amazing.

“He thought that this was the most beautiful book he’s seen all year.” Gushes Beers.

Helara Wijesundra, a junior at Timber Creek, says the yearbook is “such a quintessential high school tradition. It was important to me because it’s such a great way to remember your years in high school.”

Beers agrees, who says that “yearbooks are forever…this is the one way that you can show your kids and your grandkids and your great grandkids how you lived and what you did and what was important to you.”

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