Advanced Interior Design Tackling Office Redesign

Timber Creek’s most creative students aren’t always found in the art room. Students in interior design, create elaborate homes with interesting color schemes and statement pieces. While designing your dream home does happen in interior design they do much more than houses. The class will teach students about real estate and when to buy or lease a house, architectural styles, furniture styles, elements of design and home safety. The class is not limited to just houses either, it goes over offices and their next project will affect Timber Creek directly.

Mrs. Jackson said “My advanced interior design students, there’s only five of them this year, because interior design was new to this campus last year. They are actually in the process of redoing the office in the main offices. Right now it’s just a very utility, plain room with just a plain table and plain chairs and basically no decor. We are trying to redo that room, at the request of administration to make it a little bit more welcoming, because not only is it used by our campus, but used by our parents of our students and sometimes community members. So we’re trying to make it more of a welcoming environment.”

Victoria Xu explained that her favorite thing about advanced interior design is the conference room project and said “ We went to the conference room in the main office, and we measured out everything we needed to measure and we went online and we made a floor plan. We put in the furniture we wanted and went online to search up everything that we needed and listed out the prices that was in the budget, and we’re going to take that spreadsheet to the principle and see what he can do for us, to make it work.”

Interior design 1 is already a really fun and enjoyable class teaching kids that will soon be spending time in college dorms on how to decorate. However, Interior Design 2 is much more project based. While homes are a big focus, interior design also gets to work on projects like hotels, and restaurants. Style is very import to each piece, but the different needs and desires of each presents a fun challenge to students. The individualism of each student is embraced with every project being catered to the desires of the designer, just like in the real world. Similarly designs are often criticized by customers and Mrs. Jackson would work as the customer in the project.

Students can really experience designing bigger areas from focusing on windows to furniture and the elements of design each student wishes to incorporate. Creative freedom is given to the students to show their style in their work, an art form maybe not given as much credit. Interior design may appeal to even more students due to the famous HGTV aspects to designing and creating homes, especially the unconventional homes.

Mrs. Jackson said “We’re going to be exploring some units this year like sustainable housing or recycled type housing like the container homes that are becoming popular, and also the tiny houses that are becoming more popular.”

While of course, the class will not be identical to the hit T.V channel so many of us know and love, you can find some similarities in between the two. Comparisons are done and shown to see how they relate to the real world, so you can expect some before and after shots. However, the remodeling and the construction work shown in those shows can unfortunately not be duplicated in the classroom. Darn. There is a silver lining, shows are often showed in class to demonstrate hunting for properties, home furnishings, or real estate. So expect to see beloved designers and renovators in class.

Victoria Xu, junior described the best aspects of the class “I guess like the freedom to create a space and like set the aura.”

Next year there will also be a practicum class offered, like a level three interior design about getting real world experience to help students on the path in interior design.

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