CTE Week: Law, Marketing, Human Services

Quick Fact About CTE: CTE is not only for students who want to go directly into a career, but is also a meaningful and vital opportunity for students who are preparing for college.  In fact, about three-quarters of CTE concentrators go on directly into post-secondary education after graduating from high school.

ere is a tidbit about Law and Public Safety.  87% of the 2,791 law students who took the Texas Bar Exam in 2009 passed.  There are 86,168 active members of the State Bar of Texas. Membership is required for all lawyers practicing in Texas.  Being a Texas Ranger is so popular that more than 200 police officers apply for any opening.  The Texas Department of Criminal Justice has more than 112 prison units throughout the state and employs approximately 26,000 corrections officers.  Texas lawyers provide approximately 1.8 million hours of free (pro bono) legal services to low-income people each year.

Today, we recognize our Law, Marketing and Human Services teachers.  Here is some information about these Pathways.

Principles of Law, Public Safety, Corrections, and Security introduces students to professions in law enforcement, security, corrections, and fire and emergency management services. Students will examine the roles and responsibilities of police, courts, corrections, private security, and protective agencies of fire and emergency services. The course provides students with an overview of the skills necessary for careers in law enforcement, fire service, security, and corrections.

Advertising and Sales Promotion is designed as a comprehensive introduction to the principles and practices of advertising. Students will gain knowledge of techniques used in current advertising, including print, broadcast, and digital media. The course explores the social, ethical, and legal issues of advertising, historical influences, strategies, and media decision processes as well as integrated marketing communications. The course provides an overview of how communication tools can be used to reach target audiences and increase consumer knowledge.

Principles of Human Services.  This laboratory course will enable students to investigate careers in the human services career cluster, including counseling and mental health, early childhood development, family and community, and personal care services. Each student is expected to complete the knowledge and skills essential for success in high-skill, high-wage, or high-demand human services careers.

If you have interest in any of these pathways, please see your counselor or a CTE teacher for more information.

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