Falcon Pizzazz Sings and Dances Their Way to Competition Season

Falcon showcase starts their competition season in perfect harmony, as they work to dazzle the judges at Lonestar on Feb.25.

In 2016, Falcon Pizzazz scored third place in a show choir competition at Eaton High School, but in the 2017 competition season, they want to place in one of the most popular show choir competitions in the state, Lonestar at Central High School.

With their show, When I Get My Name in Lights in 2016, Falcon Pizzazz members were disappointed to not make finals at Lonestar, but they plan to redeem themselves with their new themed show.

The show for 2017 is called the The Roads We Traveled and has a mix of songs and dance breaks. The theme for the show is how one goes through life and the struggles they encounter along the way. In show choir, in order to participate in a contest, the choir must prepare a show with five to six songs that include solos, a live band and a theme or story to bring the show to life.

This is the third year that the TCHS Varsity show choir transitioned to a Nebraska show choir, which is a specific type of show choir. It consist of more people, costume changes and dramatic flair, but also Falcon Pizzazz has made a few changes to their choir for this year, so that they can achieve success during competition season.

One of the changes is the allowance of freshman to join. It allows freshman to be an asset to Falcon Pizzazz. Emmie Ambrose is one of the six freshman that gained the opportunity to be in Varsity show choir.

“It is pretty cool to be in show choir. It is nice to have a place where I knew where I belonged being a freshman. Choir is home to me at Timber Creek,” said Ambrose.

This ensemble is by far the youngest group they ever had but they are filled with talent. Lots of the students have excelled in All State and have had huge roles in the school musicals like Grease and Guys and Dolls.

Another decision about this year’s show is the style and difficulty of the choreography

“It’s more intense,”said Berkley Muncy, a dance captain for show choir, “With harder songs and dances, it’s been super fun to see how different it is.”

The show choir has more of a diverse vibe with the choice of songs and type of choreography but with help from the dance captains,  the show choir is persevering. The show choir dance captains are Hannah Davis, Berkley Muncy, Hannah McIntyre and Jacob Rodriguez. In the interest to go to finals, Falcon Pizzazz has also taken the initiative to do more after school rehearsals and weekend practices to prevent any imperfections in their show.

Ever since Feb. 15 after school, Timber Creek has been having rehearsals, cleaning choreography and gaining endurance to perform a twenty-minute show, filled with hard-core singing and dancing.

While learning choreography for the show, simultaneously Falcon Pizzazz finished performing multiple gigs including Christmas shows at Six Flags and Sundance square for the holidays. It was a quick transition and the Timber Creek show choir have not gotten a break since the end of fall.

“Some parts have been hard, and it takes a lot of time,” sophomore Brigit Tschendorf said, “But I’ve made new friends, a family and I feel like I have a place.”

In order to prepare for Lonestar, Falcon Pizzazz is having a showcase during their 4A class period, Thursday Feb. 23 in which they will perform their entire show to various classes in the Fine Arts Center.

The Lonestar contest will happen on Feb. 25 at Central High School. Falcon Pizzazz will be presenting their show at 2:10 p.m. and the announcement of if they made finals will be at 4:30 p.m. Tickets are $15 for preliminaries so go support Falcon Pizzazz’s journey for redemption.

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Adrianna Jagodzinski is a 17 year old senior and a first year Talon reporter. She is a varsity mixed/show choir member in the TCHS choir program and is also in NHS. On her bucket list she wishes to skydive, go to Bolivia, and be a choir director.

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