New Awards Honor Timber Creek Falcon Scholars

Timber Creek will be implementing Falcon Scholar awards starting today, Feb. 28. Falcon Scholar awards are made to honor students that go above and beyond in their academics, attendance, and character. Students will be given their awards at a reception during first period.

Students can achieve this award by being on one of the honor rolls for all three grading periods of a semester, having perfect attendance, and by having no disciplinary issues. Students will be chosen for the award at the end of every semester.

Students will be given certificates and t-shirts. The first time they will be given t-shirts, and the following times they will be given a certificate.  A reception will also be held for the students and their parents where time will be spent congratulating the students. – like the one held this morning.

If you are chosen to be a Falcon Scholar at the end of the year, the reception will be held the week or 2nd week after school lets out.

Furthermore, students will be able to use the awards on college applications. If a student makes Falcon Scholar all four years, they will be able to receive a chord recognizing that for graduation.

Additionally if any students find that they met the criteria to become a Falcon Scholar but did not get contacted, they can go to the front office to ensure they get recognized.

Congratulations to the following students that received Falcon Scholar status:

Christopher Isaac Abrams
Hannah Renee Almond
Hope Katlyn Almond
Roney Sebastian Andrade
Noah Kal-el Anzaldua
Brianna Gabriela Astman
Ethan Cole Bauer
Bryce Johnathon Bodner
Hailey Dawn Bryant
Matthew James Buensalida
William Michael Cordes
Yashira Enid Crespo
Deidric Burnell Davis
Katelyn Marie Drescher
Alyssa Elaine Dudley
Nabeel Hossain Eusufzai
Evan Douglas Farrar
Marina Sadek Ghabour
Matthew Tyler Goin
Nathan Lee Goodrich
Davis Paul Hoseney
Lance Le Hua
Sabrine Ahiboneye Irebe
Lanae Cimone Johnson-Kleinpeter
Sydney Phone Khamphouseng
Jackline Wanja Kiuna
Jayne Laree Margason
Brooke Christina Mask
Oriana Paloma McNair
Judicael Djomo Megueu
Robert Blake Miller
David Thai Montgomery
James Thomas Mouser
Britney Khoa Nguyen
Michelle Thi Nguyen
Jayden Alexia Peralta
Quan Dang Minh Phung
Ngoc Minh Phung
Dylan Matthew Pirani
Elizabeth Lynnea Pitcher
Clarke Alexandre Potter
Will Taylor Pujol
Aishwarya Meena Rajkumar
Christopher Brandon Ramirez
Laura Claire Rosenbalm
Annah Louise Rose Sauvage-Southgate
Kalkidan Mekuwanent Seifu
Walter Adam Simpson
Larisa Moore Thacher
Jacob Owen Thomas
Austin Michael Tran
Derian Tyler Webber
Megan Emily Ziegler
Caleb Jonmarc Terry

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