Attendance Incentives Include Free Prom Tickets, Parking Discounts

Timber Creek High School is adding new incentives to get students to avoid being absent from classes.

Students with few absences will be entered into a lottery to receive prizes. Students that have zero absences will have five entries to the lottery, students with one absence will have three entries, and students with two absences will have one entry. Any student with more than two absences for the six weeks will not be eligible for entry into the lottery.

Tracking for the absences has already begun for the fifth six weeks. The lottery is currently scheduled for April 18, the start of the sixth six weeks in the 2017-18 school year.

Some prizes for Seniors include the chance to win one of three free tickets to Prom.

Juniors have a lot of prizes available, including a free class ring from Balfour, one of three free yearbooks, senior parking spot discounts, a free restaurant dinner with administrators, and three Falcon VIP Passes that gets the student into all TCHS events for free.

Click here for a full document outlining prizes and discounts.

Principal Donnie Bartlett spoke to Talon reporters in January about the incentives concepts.

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