Final Countdown: Timber Creek Wrestlers Compete at State

With the 2016-17 season coming to a close, Timber Creek Wrestlers competed Feb. 25 and Feb. 26 in Cypress, TX at their state tournament. Hoping to take down some of their previous competitors, student-athletes like Nathan Grimes finished within the top eight, as well as Austin Fox placing fifth at the state tournament. The team had four boys competing, becoming the most boy state qualifiers thus far, as well as contributing to their position as now placing twice at state.

Though it was not their first time competing at state, student athletes and coaches like Coach Tyler Harrison shared that they felt it was one of their most influential tournaments with five key athletes having advanced. Though it’s his first year at the high school, Harrison mentioned the effect that the team had made, praising their effort and maturing through the sport over this past season.

“We had one wrestler, Austin Fox, place fifth at the state tournament as well as Nathan Grimes make it [into] the top eight,” said Timber Creek Wrestling Coach Harrison. “It was exciting to watch both of these young men finish out their season on the big stage. This is my first year at Timber Creek so I can’t comment much on past years, but I know that both [girls and guys] teams worked hard. We saw huge improvements in technique and work ethic throughout the season.”

Likewise, for some of the athletes such as Chase Carter, wrestling has served as not only a sport to compete in but also has shaped his entire life choices. Though he said that he did not compete as well as he had wished, going 0-2 for his matches, Carter did comment on how he’s grown since joining the team, with it not only impacting him in the wrestling stadium, but also throughout his daily life.

“I joined the wrestling team because I was looking for more of an individual sport, [but at the time I didn’t] realize the teamwork that[‘s] behind it,” said Carter. “You’re only as good as your training partner and [you both] have to want to work to get better and advance…what you do in the dark [really does] show under the bright stadium lights.”

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