Everything You Need to Know About 2017 AP Tests

Students have been prepping the whole year for this — AP Testing begins May 1, 2017.

Here’s the schedule for exams at Timber Creek High School:

AP Testing Locations

Other AP information:

  • Show up to the exam at least 30 minutes early, and come prepared.
  • You need some sort of picture ID to get into the exam, whether it be a driver’s license or a school ID. You will not be admitted without one.
  • Make sure you’ve packed all the necessary materials for the test your taking. Number two pencils, erasers and black or blue pens are required for all exams, but there are additional materials, like calculators, that you will be allowed if you are taking a math or science exam. It is also recommended that you bring a watch for pacing, in case there is not a timer set up in your testing center, and a jacket in case you get cold.
  • Any electronics you bring to school will be taken up before testing begins, so only bring things that are necessary or that you don’t mind handing over to a proctor.
  • It’s really important to eat a good meal when you get up, even if you normally skip out on breakfast. Your brain will function better when you have good food – especially food with protein, like eggs, or toast with peanut butter – in your system.
  • Also, drink water and bring a water bottle to the test to drink during your break. You can’t have food or a drink at your seat during the test, but staying hydrated is important. Being dehydrated can cause headaches, and it can plain just be hard to concentrate if all you can think about is how your tongue is dry.

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