Timber Creek Makes Semi-Finals at Battle of the Books

Myth: there are not any trophies for reading books.

Friday April 7, Timber Creek students joined with 30 other high schools in South Lake Town Center to compete in North Texas Book Battle.

Fact: there are students who will read books for any reason, even for a fun competition.

Timber Creek librarian, Brandy Abbott, has prepared the team throughout the school year. All the schools read the same 10 books, and on the day of the battle, they were tested on their knowledge of their books.

Myth: Reading is boring.

“It was really fun,” sophomore Reagan White says, “I was challenged to read books I probably wouldn’t have read before.”

From historical fiction about refugees during World War II to Stan Lee’s memoir, the books for the competition covered a variety of genres.

“We could have done better, but I’m proud of my team for all the hard work we’ve put into this.” White says, “We got farther this year, and we’ll get farther next year.”

Despite not winning, Timber Creek’s team did make it to the semi-finals of the competition, getting closer to the championship than last year.

Fact: Timber Creek will go for the win next year.

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I'm a senior, and this is my first year on the Talon. Listening to rain fall while reading and writing is my favorite thing to do.

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