Timber Creek Says Goodbye To 2016-17 StuCo Officers

Between the planned pep rallies, spirit weeks, advanced leadership workshops and tireless betterment for their community, the senior Student Body officers spent their senior year leaving a legacy of selflessness and spirit for their campus. Student Council is there for the whole school, by planning events such as Homecoming, CARE week, Mental Health Awareness week, Holiday dress up weeks and little events along the way. They represent at community events around Keller.

The senior Student Body officers began planning for their senior year before it even started. Despite their tenure not starting until the preceding officers graduated, the thought of events for the 2016-17 school year began during as soon as they were elected.

“This year has been hectic, but I wouldn’t change it for the world. We have gone through so many obstacles to make this year the best one yet! I’m so proud of everything we have accomplished as Student Body officers. I love this school and have had the passion from the beginning to help everyone feel as excited to come to Timber Creek as I have. I couldn’t have asked for a better year. I can’t wait to come back to Timber Creek eventually and see how amazing the school has become,” commented Student Body Secretary, Emily Seay.

The group of seniors spread an attitude of effervescence to anyone that encountered them. Specifically, the enthusiasm that historian Chloe Hege had for her school was something that wasn’t hard to see for any passing bystander. Hege ran The Nest Twitter page during football season in the fall. The Twitter page was able to reach students in every corner in the school to come together for dress up nights or a chant in the stand. Hege had a drive to make sure no student felt left out in high school. She wanted to make high school fun for every student.

“The thought of leaving high school has been getting harder the closer we get to the end. I’ve realized how many memories and relationships that have been created and morphed. I’m sad to leave those behind. The Nest was a great way to develop these memories for all different classes of students. Everyone loves Friday night lights, so being able to join together in the Nest while participating in a theme or chant is the perfect way to make high school memorable,” said Hege.

The senior Student Body officers were all able to make Student Council stronger and bring the student body together more than any other school year. Their never ending love for Timber Creek never went unnoticed during their office.

“My love for Timber Creek grew tremendously over my years here, especially being so involved in the things we did. That’s the reason I ran for office – I love our school and I wanted others to feel how I did. It’s very bittersweet to leave because all of the people and places here I have grown to love. Timber has a massive potential and all of the seniors are leaving it in good hands. I’ll always be grateful for the experiences and relationships I’ve gained at Timber Creek,” commented Student Body Parliamentarian Sydney Cundiff.

Possibly the most influential Student Body officer this year was President, Dillon Fontaine. Fontaine was able to bring Student Council from the ground up. He lead Student Council to begin networking with other high schools around Texas through Texas Association of Student Councils. Fontaine began implementing new projects in Timber Creek such as Mental Health Awareness Week and CARE Week. He had other things on his plate such as being the Vice President of National Honor Society and Varsity Golf, but he somehow always made sure Student Council was his number one focus. Fontaine will leave behind a lasting legacy of determination and perseverance to something he loves.

“Leaving Timber Creek will be tough. We have made so many unbelievable memories at this school and leaving will be a great chapter in a book you can’t put down,” said Fontaine. “Now we all have to begin our next chapter and hope that we leave a lasting legacy for years to come. Student Council meant the world to me. It has been my outlet to make a difference and build long standing relationships with people from all over. I have learned so many valuable lessons from those in StuCo. Leaving Timber Creek and Student Council will be hard, but I know both are in good hands next year and for years to come.”

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