Timber Creek Welcomes New Set Of Student Leaders

The incoming student leaders will soon be making their debut to Timber Creek. Although some of next years officers are returning and know the procedures when it comes to spirit nights and group events, other officers are brand new and eager to learn of what it means to be a leader in Student Council.

Incoming Student Body President, Jade Ealy, is a returning student leader for the upcoming year. During the 2016-17 school year, Ealy served as Junior class President. She was able to learn about fundraising and the planning of spirit weeks. Ealy is known as to making a positive impact on Twitter through her constant encouragement toward her classmates.

“I’m really excited to be Student Body President. Since I was in the leadership class with the current Student Body officers and having gotten the opportunity to be Junior Class President, I’m familiar with the way Student Council goes about planning projects. I know what works well and what doesn’t. I’m lucky to have so many amazing people I can look up to and collaborate with. Next year is going to go great and I’m very grateful for the chance to be a part of it,” commented Ealy.

Tyler Fowler, who has been class Vice-President since sophomore year, will continue his reign his upcoming senior year. Fowler has been able to learn about the good and bad things of fundraisers since the beginning of his high school career. He was able to learn how to appeal to his classmates about the specific locations and how to promote spirit nights. Fowler has been able to see the class account rise since it started out at just zero.

“I’m very excited to take on Senior Class Vice President next year and continue building our class account. By building our class account, we will be able to raise more funds for prom and other senior class events. Planning prom will be very special to me because it will be the final product from all of the fundraising and class events I have helped with since my sophomore year. I can’t wait to get started and looking forward to senior year,” said Fowler.

A new set of student officers will also debut soon. The incoming sophomore class is bright-eyed and ready to begin learning the ropes of Student Council. The sophomore class officers will “rotate” their job opportunities so every elected officer will get a chance to see what it means to be every officer on the class officer board.

“I’m really happy that I’ve being given the chance to step up and have a leadership position for my class. I think through being a student officer I will be able to reach out to more people and connect ideas for a greater good. Overall, I see such great potential in everyone towards so many different things. I’m excited to learn ways to shine a light on them,” commented incoming sophomore class officer, Allison Souimaniphanh.

Every elected officer has an opportunity to leave a lasting legacy in Timber Creek and on their classmates.

“I try to motivate those around me because I’ve been lucky enough to have people in life who have encouraged me when I needed it most,”  said Ealy, “So all I really want to do is be for others what those people were for me.”

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