Bartlett Expresses Gratitude To Faculty with Falcon Shoutouts

Through an email sent out on May 11, Principal Donald Bartlett expressed his gratitude by giving a few shoutouts to people that have helped make a difference in the Timber Creek community.

Ashley Dolecki and her department was thanked for holding Mock Job or College Interviews for 100 students. This was done to improve students’ chances of earning great jobs in the future.

“It was a wonderful thing to see,” Bartlett continued, “This [is a] real world example of what is good about public education and how we are working to change lives. Much appreciated.”

Continuing through the email, Bartlett thanked Alisha Fickle, Becky Rose and Stacey Cleveland for supporting the Falcon Softball Team with a sendoff to the playoffs.

“Validation and support for others hard work is always welcomed,” Bartlett said. “Good luck Softball.”

Bartlett extended the email, and revealed a parent appreciation for Counselor Randy Colvin.

“My son, Drew [McClure], has had Mr. Colvin as his counselor since his sophomore year at TCHS. He was also extremely timely, thorough, and responsive to emails and inquiries,” said parent Teresa McClure in an extended email.

McClure further explained in her gratitude for the impact on her son by Colvin.

“Mr. Colvin played a significant role in making this all happen. He gave Drew proper guidance, encouragement, and his time,” said McClure. “Please accept my sincere thanks and realize that you do make a difference, and it is deeply appreciated.”

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