The End Is Near: Time To Make Up Seat Time

At this time, seniors who have not made up their seat time will not receive their diploma if they do not use the seat time recovery system. If any senior is curious as to if they have seat time, come to the attendance office to find out if you owe any hours.

The time needs to be made up outside of school hours…but this can be done through many ways.

If any student has an off period, they can make up time then as well as attending tutorials with the right teacher.

There is also an event called Falcon Night School which is held every Tuesday and Thursday from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.

If neither of those dates work, TCHS also offers Saturday school every Saturday from 8:00 am. to 12:00 p.m.

Seniors have to make the time up by Wednesday, May 24.

If there are questions or events that keep a senior from completing these hours, contact Assistant Principal Shawn Elliot at

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