District Sets Student Standards for Dress Code

As the second week of the 2017-2018 school year rolls around, the administrators want to ensure that there is a dress code, and if not followed, there will be consequences.

“The first thing we always try to do is ask the student if they have something else to put on,” Principal Donald Bartlett told Talon. “If they say no and depending on how obtrusive it is, we may ask them to call home to parent and bring them something, and we keep them in the office the entire time.”

The administrators will be reinforcing the dress code this year. It relies on three parties to follow dress code guidelines: the students responsibility to make sure they are dressing appropriately, the teachers to address the student if they are out of dress code and the administration to enforce when teachers have not.

“I’ve told my staff this, it is everybody’s responsibility to enforce dress code, not just the administrators,” Bartlett commented. “So if a kid comes in the classroom, the teacher has to also help the administrators by either correcting it themselves or sending them to the office to be corrected.”

The administrators realize some of the rules may not apply to the students, but there is nothing they can do about it: the rules are issued by Keller ISD and standard in all KISD schools.

“Clothing for girls and boys it’s no holes no exposed from [mid thigh up], other than that just no showing of under garments,” Bartlett added. “If you’re not showing your undergarments through your shirt then we should be okay, and no showing of your belly.”

Click here for the full Keller ISD Dress Code.

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