Girl Scout Plans to Plant Timber Creek’s “Garden of Hope”

Soon there will be a place on campus where students can go to have a place to de-stress, called the “Garden of Hope”.

The project will be conducted by Emily Demel, a junior at Timber Creek. Demel announced this on Aug. 9 and she plans to do this to achieve her Gold Award Project for Girl Scouts.

A scout in Demel’s troop suggested the idea to her, and she thought that it was interesting, and it is a lot different from other girl’s projects in their girl scout troop. She has spoken to the principal and multiple staff members, and they all approve of the idea.

“Students today are under so much stress and pressure that sometimes hopelessness takes over,” Demel expressed in her Facebook post. “It’s just a lot and having to time manage. My hope is that this garden will serve as a place where students can go to decompress, relax and reconnect.”

The garden will be complete with benches and possibly picnic tables, as well as plants and trees. She was inspired by Lisa Nakajima, a former student at Timber Creek who passed away last year. They want to build off of Lisa’s bench or in between the hallways outside.

On Aug. 22, she was able to find a landscaper at Unique Exteriors. The project will last a couple months, but installing could take a weekend. They will start designing the garden in the fall of 2017, and start planting in the spring of 2018.

Demel will be having different fundraisers throughout the year to help raise money for the garden.

“We want to achieve a community effort, and we want students to come together,” said Demel.

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