TC Volleyball Shoots Towards Districts

With an even earlier start to the school year and less time to prepare and practice for their upcoming season, the volleyball players have trained harder than ever to make sure they’re ready for any challenge that hits them this season.

For coach Erin Wood, an earlier season has prompted her to push her players to their limits, going to reach their goal make top four in district or higher, choosing not to focus on the shortened training period, but rather on their goals both as a team as well as individually.

“Teachers started [school preparations] a week earlier,” Wood said. “That meant that we only got to see our kids run two-a-days for one week, as opposed to two weeks.”

Just as well, this season isn’t just about the competition for these players, but also about each individual’s growth. Not only will making districts further the team’s season, but also holds these players accountable, forcing them to prepare weeks in advance for the games, training for any possible challenges. The team still has a little bit of time before their first district meet, but Wood believes that these athletes will surpass the first round of competitions, setting out to place in the top four and take the team all the way to playoffs.

Wood does not plan to take any freshmen to district this year, contrary to last year, as Sydney Sherlock was one of the freshmen participating.

“We put players at every level of our program where they will most benefit [the team] as a whole, as well as add the most benefit to the individual player,” Wood said. “My players have worked very hard over the summer and they [always] come into the gym ready to play, we’re trying to make a name for ourselves.”

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