Theatre Readies The Music Man for Fall Debut

For their fall production this year, the theater department will be performing the award-winning Broadway musical, The Music Man.

The plot revolves around a traveling salesman named Harold Hill who cons towns into buying musical instruments and band uniforms, promising the people that he will help them form the new band. Little did they know that Harold isn’t an actual musician and has no intentions of staying in town. Inconspicuously aware of his schemes was librarian/piano teacher Marian, an influential character who ends up changing Harold’s further decisions.

“Music Man is going to be different from the past musicals based on the plan of this being Timber Creek’s biggest musical yet,” said senior Megan McCormack. “Which entails the biggest cast and crew as well as a beautiful set that is being designed by our new director this year, Lance Morse.”

Other than having a cast of around 80 members, this show is also special because of the inclusion of a student choreographer, Sarah Scherger.

“I think my sophomore year, it was mentioned,” said Scherger who is now a senior. “Last year I choreographed for the musical theater class and [director Amanda Brundrett] was impressed.”

The audition workshop will be on Aug. 29, and auditions will come the following day. With choreography rehearsals scheduled a few weeks after the results are posted, the company can start preparing for four shows.

Auditions are open for anyone in the school who would like to be a part of the production.

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