Are Lockers in High School a Hit or Miss?

Lockers are finally available, but will students take the opportunity to use them?

Since middle school, students have had the opportunity to rent a locker from school. But during the 2016-17 school year, incoming freshmen were barely a part of the 40 out of about 3,000 students to even take the time to purchase one. Those that acquired a locker, ended up not even using it by the end of the first semester.

“About halfway through the year, a lot of them came in asking me for their combination, because they haven’t been using it enough to remember,” school receptionist Wendy Warner said.

Only 12 out of the entire 40 students to rent a locker were freshmen. The rest of their temporary owners were juniors and seniors; sophomore’s completely neglected to rent one. With the school’s new policy of using textbooks for required reading in classes, students could find lockers quite convenient for help organizing their A-B schedule. However for those who have requested a locker from the counselors, they haven’t received one because the counselors no longer deal with renting them out.

If a student wishes to rent a locker, they need to report to the security office to do so.

“We are trying something new this school year,” Assistant Principal Gusti Ratliff said. “Counselors have previously been in charge of renting out lockers, as well as Mrs. Warner, our secretary, but now that duty falls to us.”

Although several students have received a locker, the rest of the school had no idea about this change.

“It’s something new for us,” Ratliff said. “But we had no idea that students didn’t know they could receive a locker.”

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