Learn More About The Latin Culture In Spanish Club

Timber Creek has evolved to be the melting pot of the community, where diverse languages, cultures, and societies are better learned and appreciated.

The Timber Creek Spanish Club is an aspect of how students are striving towards just that. Their mission reads as: “The Spanish Club proposes to promote awareness, appreciation, and understanding of the people and diverse cultural productions of the Hispanic/Latino world, to contribute and encourage the study and appreciation of the Spanish culture, and build a community of Spanish language learners.”

One extension of this recognition is that membership is open to all students, regardless of your race, grade, or ability to speak Spanish.  

Spanish Club will host their first meeting on Sept. 20 in S114, and on every third Wednesday of each month from 3:50 p.m. – 4:15 p.m., unless otherwise stated by the sponsor, Sra. Williams, or the executive branch.

To be an active member, students must pay a $10 due at the beginning of the year or $5 for only the second semester and attend at least one social event/educational event each semester. However, social events and community service opportunities may occur more often.

Service projects will be organized throughout the year for students to character build, as well offer benefits for the school and/or community. Given so, hours earned towards Spanish Club cannot be used for service hours required by other clubs or organizations.

To read more about the Spanish Club and be a part of an enriching organization, pick up an application at S114.

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