PHOTOS: Timber Takes Down Irving Nimitz 36 to 21 in Home Opener

The crowd is counting down the last few seconds with the clock. Once it reaches zero, the band plays the Fight Song with pride while everyone is on their feet cheering for our team. Timber Creek just won their first football game of the season against Nimitz.

The match-up started at 11 a.m September 2, and lasted till 2 p.m.

We prepared ourselves mentally and physically for this game,” Cain Villanueva stated.

“It was a great feeling to get back out there.” Dylan Niles says that, “the team was confident going in. We knew we could handle Nimitz and that the only thing that could possibly stop us was our own mistakes.”

In the first quarter, Timber Creek took the lead with a touchdown from quarterback Dylan Mccrary in the last four minutes. Nimitz then scored a touchdown from a 57 yard pass at 2 minutes and 18 seconds left till the second quarter. Another touchdown scored by Nimitz puts them in the lead with less than a minute left in the first quarter.

In the second quarter, an amazing touchdown grab from Erik Ezukanma scored Timber Creek another six points, along with a two point conversion, and put them in the lead 15-14. Nimitz then caught up with a 52 yard run touchdown, making the score 21-15 at the end of the first half, with the Vikings in the lead.

In the last half, Timber Creek started their comeback with another touchdown, putting the score 22-21, with the Vikings one point behind. At 10 minutes and 15 seconds left, Adrian Ranete passed from the 17 yard line to Nick Nelson, scoring yet another touchdown for the Falcons. Blake Irving scored the last touchdown of the game with a nine yard run at two minutes and 43 seconds, making the final score 36-21.

A feeling of victory rushed over the crowd, and especially the team.

“It felt amazing when we won, like the team could take on anything. I was elated,” Niles expresses. “There is such a rush gained after every win, and all the hard work put into preparing for the game becomes worth it.”

Villanueva states that the win, “has given us a boost of confidence in that all our hard work was worth it.”

The team now shows a sense of confidence after the win. “This season will be great for us. We are going to have tough games, but we will overcome any adversity thrown at us and work our way into the playoffs,” Niles proclaims. “We will be a hard team to stop.”

“My team means the world to me. These guys are my brothers,” Niles communicates about his feelings for his team. “We have worked hard for this and we have created bonds that will last a lifetime.”

Watch the replay of this game on Timber Creek Sports Network and NFHS Network with your streaming video subscription by clicking here. The replay will be available for free for all viewers on the afternoon of Sept. 5, 2017.

Photos from the Sept. 2, 2017 Falcon Football home opener against Irving Nimitz. Photos taken by The Creek Yearbook editor Taylor Deker. Click on any image for a larger version.

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