See You at The Pole to Meet Sept. 27

Christian prayer has been stood for by See You at the Pole, since 1990. This organization is just a representation of the gathering of students on every fourth Wednesday of September in order to pray around their respective flag poles for their school, their country, or even their world. This year, SYATP falls on Wednesday, Sept. 27 and Elizabeth Abrams, Vice President of 14forty OnCampus, is excited for it as she was involved in last year’s gathering.

“See you at the pole is a really great experience to actually lead prayer yourself and to know that you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you,” she said.

She remembers last year as being “encouraging” because of the unity with her peers. The gathering is strictly of students, yet the students still have key points of prayer set by SYATP and the United States is one of them, although prayers are not restricted to one country and can include the entire world.

“It makes me hopeful that our country is not fallen,” Abrams explained. “It’s awesome knowing that our country isn’t the only one that can be united under God.”

As the group of students prays, other students are just starting to exit the buses. Last year, Abrams felt the prayers were impactful to the students.

“I know that when there’s someone praying for me it makes me feel safer honestly,” she said, “and I’m sure that when people are walking in it makes them feel safer.”

The fourth Wednesday is set aside, not just for a social event, but to make an impact on the school. Abrams recalls a time from last year when a staff member thanked them for their commitment.

“While we were praying, a staff member walked up and was watching us,” Abrams explained. “After we finished, she told us that it was really encouraging to see a group of students unashamed and that are willing to pray for the school and our country out in public and together. She told us ‘Thank you, thank you for doing this.’”

Not only does this impact the people around them, but Abrams feels it impacts the students themselves.

“Specifically on that day when you are united as students and praying over your school year…it makes the day and the rest of your week a lot better,” she said.

This year, she remains optimistic that the numbers will grow.

“I think that this year we won’t be caught as off guard as we were, so we’ll be able to advertise more and get more people to come,” Abrams said. “Even if they don’t come, they know that on that day there [are] students praying for them and their future.”

SYATP will be a day of students standing for their faith and their country. Elizabeth Abrams said she believes that she will impact her school in the most positive way.

“It says in the [Bible] that ‘when two or more are gathered in My name, there I am in the midst of them’ and it’s exciting to know that there’s more than one person that is willing to gather in His name,” Abrams said.

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