Timber Creek Hosts a Suicide Awareness Program on Sept. 25

As of last year, suicide has become the 10th leading cause of death in the country, and 90% of those who commit appeared to have had a diagnosable psychiatric disorder at the time of their death.

To help prevent suicide in the school and the community, there will be a Suicide Awareness Program presented at Timber Creek on Sept. 25 in the Fine Arts Center, starting at 6:30 p.m.

“It’s going to talk about what signs you can see in students, or maybe your students’ friends,” said Timber Creek Counselor Marissa Diaz.

These warning signs can often be underestimated. They can be seen when one begins to withdraw from their friends, or when one says that they’re tired and “can’t do it anymore”.

Aside from several organizations to provide more help for anyone attending, Keller Counselor Dr. Mark DeYoung will serve as the guest speaker as well. The presentation will mostly benefit parents and open them up to what they’re unable to recognize in their children, but the program is still available for anyone to attend. 

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