With Sharp Voices and A Fast Tempo, Choir Students Audition For All-State

From writing down notes to belting out notes, it has reached the time for student choir members to shine.

TC choir students will be auditioning in the first round of the All-State Choir Competition this weekend. On Saturday, Sept. 16, 61 performers from grades 9-12 will go to Fossil Ridge High School to sing their way towards advancement.

“From this first round, the top 36 singers in each room advance. It’s a blind audition with five judges,” Head Choir Director, Amy Fambrough, said. “There are as many as 105 singers auditioning on each voice part at this first round.”

Auditions will begin at 8:30 a.m. and occur every six minutes until roughly 5:00 p.m. This performance will be a closed process, which means it will not open to spectators.

To be eligible to audition for All-States, students much attend an all-state camp and they must be registered in a choir class. All grades are able to enter. Alongside the vocalists, 25 other schools will be competing within this region. Hard work and dedication are more than familiar feelings for these students.

“Most of our students began practicing this year’s [2017-2018] music when school was out this past year [2016-2017],” Fambrough explained. “For the last three years, TC choir has had the most all-state members in our district. We are very proud of our kids and the amount of work and dedication they put in to make TC a destination greatness status.”

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