A Poet Upon Us: Junior Takes Self-Expression to a New Level

I walked the world
begging them to break their liquor
bottles against my arms and legs
waiting for someone
to light a match

An excerpt from a recently released poetry novel on both Amazon and Barnes and Nobles, written by one of Timber Creek’s very own students.

Karen Sager, a junior, published a book of poetry back in late July entitled But I’ve got a Heart of Gold and Ivory Bones. This book represents her immense passion for writing, but after an interview with her, she revealed that the real reason she decided to form this book was for personal expression.

“By definition, poetry is a form of personal expression,” said Sager. “For me, this is especially true. I’ve always been better at expressing my emotions through writing…so I figured writing this book could be something that really resonates with me.”

Sager began writing poems three years ago back when she was in eighth grade. However, it wasn’t until last year that she actually started compiling and editing those poems for a book. The poems that now sit in her novel are a compilation of poems Sager wrote through the years 2014-17.

Before Sager officially published her book to Amazon and Barnes and Nobles, you could often find her creating and writing new pieces, posting them on a the popular book user site, Wattpad. Sager didn’t stop there, though; wanting something bigger and better, she began her efforts to get her book published to Amazon and Barnes and Nobles.

She thought it would be fitting to keep the original title, But I’ve got a Heart of Gold and Ivory Bones, going for her first officially published book. According to Sager, This title reflects on a lot of personal issues she sees in both herself and others that she was submissive to, that she is still conquering to this day.

“A lot of poetry I wrote in those first few years was a little self-deprecating, and it recognized some kind of faults I even see now–in both myself and others–that I continued to let hurt me.” Sager said.

You can now find But I’ve got a Heart of Gold and Ivory Bones on Amazon and Barnes and Nobles. Click one of the links here to look further into Sager’s book.

Barnes and Nobles – https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/but-ive-got-a-heart-of-gold-and-ivory-bones-karen-a-sager/1126899117

Amazon – https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=But+I%27ve+Got+a+Heart+of+Gold+and+Ivory+Bones

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