Fleeing Hurricane Maria, Puerto Rican Students Enroll in Timber Creek

Reinaldo and his sister Yariagna Crespo moved to Texas from Puerto Rico right after Hurricane Maria, the category four hurricane that reached Puerto Rico on Sep. 20. After the horrible event, 51 are known to be dead and hundreds are still missing. Puerto Rico has had massive flooding and few resources are available with a very slow relief process.

Reinaldo Crespo says that his town of Ponce suffered much damage, but it was not bad as some other cities. He said that his city was the least damaged of any other place hit by the hurricane. His family had two days notice for the hurricane, and they were at their house when disaster hit.

“I prepared, but I did not prepare well. I didn’t know that it would be so bad,” said Crespo.

His sister Yariagna recounted a video she took of their town. Trees were strewn across the land, it felt dark and ominous, the roads were empty, and the buildings looked severely damaged. They both were scared while the event was happening, but they felt okay once it was over.

“It was really awful. No one had food,” said Yariagna Crespo.

Reinaldo said the plan was to graduate in Puerto Rico with his friends, but due to the hurricane and his mother’s unemployment, they decided to move early.

“[The city] was too damaged, so we decided to move here,” he explained.

Reinaldo, his sister and his mom live with one of his aunts. Reinaldo is a senior and Yariagna is a freshman enrolled at Timber Creek. Reinaldo wants to study physics after high school, and he said he might return to Puerto Rico to continue his schooling. Yariagna plans on studying law to become a lawyer and she plans on staying here in Texas.

They both enjoy being here in Texas for the time being and have been coping well with the changes.

Here is a link to support the people who are still in Puerto Rico and needs support: MercyCorps

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