Homecoming Week in the Life of: Student Media

From the parade, pep rally, game and other events in between, every organization in the school feels the pressures during homecoming week to make it the best week of the year for the student body. Every organization has something special to contribute during the week that is essential to making flow as smoothly as possible.

The Timber Creek Student Media team felt these pressures during the week. Student Media consists of Yearbook, Timber Creek Television (TCTV) and Talon. All of these programs work in a cohesive unit to make sure coverage of the school is at a professional standard while constantly evolving into something better everyday. The programs within student media all focus on something different. However, they all play a huge role when it comes to informing the student body and making sure every special moment in captured.

Talon started working on getting the homecoming information out into the community well before school had even started. Talon understands the questions parents and students have about the big, special weeks during the school. Most of the information regarding homecoming isn’t even decided upon when people start thinking of their questions, but Talon was able to make due of what they had to get the information out.

“Homecoming is a week that has been anticipated and prepared for months in advance, but truly pays off in the end. The Talon reporters and Mr. Janda started gathering the information beginning Aug. 2 which is weeks before school is in session. We know that the source of information needs to be available for all of the eager students and parents. We are aware that we are the main source for a week like this,” commented Talon Editor in Chief, Caroline Oliphint.

Events such as the homecoming parade are important for the yearbook to document to make sure every organization is represented in the yearbook.

“During homecoming week is when we get some of our most important material for the book, so at these events there’s more pressure to get the ‘wow’ photos. Homecoming events tend to have the most going on. You have to keep an eye for everything, versus on normal night you can maybe focus on one thing,” commented yearbook editor, Alexa Evans.

Likewise, the major football games add on extra pressure to the yearbook photographers because of the hype surrounding the game created by the student body.

“The sidelines of a homecoming game has to be the most intense feeling, it’s the one night where everyone is on their game. Crowds there are the biggest all year and it really hypes up the whole atmosphere. There’s also a bigger demand to get your photos in as soon as the event is over whereas with a normal event there’s more time,” said Evans.

TCTV sponsor, Greg Janda, was able to introduce something unique to Timber Creek unlike anything they have ever done. The TC 360 pieces allows users to get the feeling that they’re up close and personal to the event without actually being there. More information regarding the videos can be found here. Timber Creek Sports Editor, Samantha Sandusky, was able to film one of the very first videos using the 360-camera of the Timber Creek cheerleaders.

“I think it’s awesome that we get to use equipment like the 360 camera in order to display all of the different groups our school has to offer. It allows for better quality in our work and it really helps to showcase all of the talent within our walls. It allows students to work with different types of equipment that we would never have the chance to showcase without the goggles,” commented Sandusky.

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