Veterans Day Breakfast Held Nov. 10

Veterans Day Breakfast is an annual event that Timber Creek has been doing for the past four years. Stacey Cleveland, the Student Council Sponsor, plans to make this year their biggest success yet.

The breakfast will be held on Nov. 10, from 7:15 a.m. to 8:15 a.m. in the library. Previous breakfasts have usually consisted of about 10-15 veterans, including staff members.

“This really isn’t just for faculty,” Cleveland said. “Students are encouraged to bring any veteran that they are related to.”

Veterans are encouraged to share their stories, while Student Council members will be bringing breakfast and desserts.

“This our at least our fourth year for the breakfast,” Cleveland said. “We’re trying to make it bigger by using new avenues to advertise.”

Staff veterans are welcome, the breakfast is also open for veterans in the community.

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