Timber Lights Show Choir gets National Recognition

Timber Creek’s newly named show choir, Timber Lights becomes a Nationally Recognized Ensemble for their performances in the previous years.

To become a nationally recognized show choir program, Timber Lights had to submit videos on their shows from the last two years to a board of show choir experts to be approved for this title. But that was not all. They also had to receive a certain amount YouTube likes on the videos of their performances online.

Choir director, Amy Fambrough explained how this was a very big deal for such a small, and young (only four years old) show choir. With many show choirs in Texas now breaking free of the traditionally aspects of their shows, making them bigger and more modernized; Timber Lights is excited to be apart of this new era of how show choir can be done.

Now being Nationally recognized, they are also invited to go to the Mid West National Show Choir competition in the spring of 2019 in Illinois where they can compete against other show choirs of their same size. Although they may not go in 2019, they still say it is a very a big honor and a stepping stone toward the biggest competitions in the country for Show Choir.

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