2018 Yearbook Theme Focuses on Unique “Views”

The 2018 edition of The Creek Yearbook is focused bringing unique perspectives through their theme “The View From Here.”

Those unique perspectives start right at the front cover, where students will be able to customize their covers with photos and art that will be seen through the “view” cut out on the cover.

(To give you some perspective, watch the promotional video below. When the camera flies through “view,” that’s where the cutout is on the real cover.)

Within the yearbook are dozens of student-created spreads, designs and photos from the Yearbook students. This year they’ve gone above and beyond with a unique spread of senior parking spots, each labeled by student, from an overhead drone photo.

Another new feature is the unique TC 360 videos that will be available for many pages. These videos are captured by TCTV students to show unique views around the school, at events, and within activities. See video previews by clicking here.

Yearbook sales end January 12, 2018 and are available online only at www.yearbookforever.com. Books are $80 each and have sold out for the past three years…order yours soon!

To further excite you about the 2018 Yearbook, take a look at the many amazing images from student photographers shared on Talon this year:

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