Annual VASE Competition to be Held at Timber Creek on Feb. 10

The Visual Arts Scholastic Event or VASE is a competition among art students across Texas. Art students and teachers collaborate to make fantastic art pieces for the event. This year, Timber Creek will be hosting the annual event on Feb.10.

“It’s been two years where we haven’t hosted, so we’re excited to get it back at Timber Creek,” said art teacher Christina Fitch. “Ms. Juros is our regional director, and we’re excited that she stepped up and took over. I think it’s going to be a great event.”

If students are chosen for State, their work will be judged again, hopefully to become a state piece and even win medals. The art work would then be displayed around Texas for the whole year.

The art teachers seem optimistic about this year’s event.

“Every year is always exciting–you have a new group of students, new sculptures, new projects, new ideas,” said art teacher Jennifer Thompson.

She will be entering 35 students for the competition.

“It’s been really nice,” Thompson said. “Ever since I’ve come here, I’ve had at least had two to four people from my group of students to make it to the State level, which has been pretty exciting. I always like to see students be successful.”

The students were excited to create their projects and show them off for VASE.

Onnika McNeely, a sophomore, says she has created her own creature for the competition.

“It started as a doodle, and then I decided this would be a good project. I think [the creature] means everyone can be unique.”

Hannah Boggs, a senior, says her creature is a mix between a raccoon and an otter.

“The reason I chose those animals is because they both embody curiosity and different cultures,” said Boggs.

Camden Hall, a sophomore, said his piece is going to be about his brother.

“It symbolizes the importance of family. I like my family, and I like hanging out with them,” said Hall.

Students have been preparing since the first six weeks to make their projects the best that they can be. They also have an interview portion that they prepare for. The teachers have the students study artists for their sketchbooks, and a major amount of planning goes into the art.

Alina Xie, a senior, says the teaching has been very helpful.

“All year we’ve been learning different Photoshop techniques, and in this project I’ll be applying most of them, if not all of them into my project,” she said.

She plans to use Plexiglas, paint and wood to portray a picture of her friend. “To me, it symbolizes new beginnings, spring and rebirth.”

Xie also encourages everyone to come out to see the event.

“I think people should come to VASE to see the amazing artists at our school as well as the surrounding schools because we’ve all been working really hard on this all year…it’s a good opportunity to look at art, see all the creative things people do with their paintings, drawings and photography,” said Xie.

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