Fall 2017 Seat Time Hours Due Feb. 6

Bright yellow slips of paper have been floating through the halls lately, physical reminders of the seat time students owe for the Fall 2017 semester. A student will be required to make up seat time if they have 9 or more absences during first or fifth period, or 4 absences during second, third or fourth period. These hours of missed school must be made up by Feb. 6, a task that can be accomplished in a multitude of ways.

One way to make up seat time is by attending tutorials with the teacher to whom a student owes hours. Students may come in before or after school, but not during office aide or free periods, to earn back their hours during tutorials.

A second option is to come to Saturday School beginning at 8 a.m. and concluding at 12 p.m. Students are asked to arrive five minutes prior to the designated time of arrival Saturday mornings and are not required to stay the full 4 hours if they are unable to.

A third opportunity available for students to earn seat time is Falcon Night School, which lasts from 4 – 7 p.m. every Tuesday and Thursday night.

Saturday School and FNS work very similarly in that a teacher will proctor the classroom and log student’s hours after they have earned them. Students must bring a book or something to work on while making up seat time and are prompted to use this time advantageously.

Not only do Seat Time hours count against getting credit for a course, but could limit students from attending specific events, getting a parking pass, or other privileges.

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Tabitha is a senior who absolutely loves writing for the Talon. While she spends most of her time watching Netflix, she also enjoys writing, spending time with friends and family, and helping others. She adores coffee, pizza, and puppies.

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