Senior Serve Banquet Hopes to Raise Money for Project Grad

Parents and seniors alike are asking the same question: what is the Senior Serve Banquet?

The Senior Serve Banquet is a fundraiser for seniors to raise money in order to ensure that their Project Graduation event towards the end of the year is successful. The event will be held on April 19 from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. in the cafeteria.

The seniors will sell tickets for $15 and tables for $120 each. Last year seniors sold over 20 tables, but seniors hope to sell more tables this year. While earning volunteer hours, seniors will work as a restaurant staff in the cafeteria, serving those who purchased a seat from them at the event.

As well as raising money, the banquet is a competition among seniors. Seniors may form groups of two to five people. These groups will serve the tables that they sell. In addition to that, the groups will pick themes to decorate their table(s) and dress up as. It is encouraged not to ‘break the bank’ when embellishing tables and costumes. Plates and utensils will be provided by the event, but decorations won’t.

If seniors cannot buy or sell tables and volunteer as wait staff, seniors have opportunities to volunteer in other positions.

By working the dinner, seniors will earn raffle tickets that give them the potential to win prizes at the Project Graduation event at Main Event on May 26. For every hour worked, seniors will earn four raffle tickets. The Project Graduation team will organize a signup genius website for students to sign up for positions soon.

Positions seniors can volunteer as include:


-Assistants to other servers

-Helpers to run a silent auction

-Entertainment (to perform for the guests and compete in a talent show, winners will earn 15 extra raffle tickets)

-Master of ceremonies (to take charge of the room when announcing information)

-Helpers to clean up the event once over (earn two extra raffle tickets)

The ultimate goal of the Senior Serve Banquet is to raise money for the Project Graduation event at the end of the year. In the past, Project Graduation has raised over $5,000 through Senior Serve. Without the banquet, the Main Event night would be very limited in activities and prizes. Project Graduation hopes that the seniors are excited to help make the Senior Serve Banquet bigger and better this year. For more information, check Project Graduation’s twitter @TCHSprojgrad or their website:

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