The New Project Beautiful: YOUnique Week

Unique(yoo-neek)/adj: Having no like or equal; unparalleled; incomparable.

Student council will be hosting “YOUnique Week” from Monday, Feb. 12 to Friday, Feb. 16 with spirit wear days as follows:

Monday: Culture Day (wear something that represents your heritage)
Tuesday: Career Day (wear something that represents your dream job)
Wednesday: Club Day (wear a club Tshirt)
Thursday: YOU Day (wear something that represents you/your style)
Friday: Falcon Day (wear purple)

This week is a revised version of the past “Project Beautiful,” and here’s why.

In the past years, “Project Beautiful” had good intentions overall, but it essentially failed in getting a beneficial message to the students and faculty. Everyone was encouraged to arrive “scrubbing,” makeup-less, and au naturale in efforts to promote “true inner beauty” in our school. While this sounded like a cool idea, it fell short of it’s goals, and specifically affected many female students and faculty.

Unfortunately, that affect spread a vast negative energy through the school that day.

Many girls teared down the paper that covered the mirrors, and complained about not being able to express themselves in the way that they wanted to; but this year is different. Students and staff understand now, and so does student council.

“As good of an idea as it was, I think a lot of people got fixated on the makeup and outward aspects of it that our message kind of got lost, but in YOUnique week, we’re celebrating everything that makes people who they are, their culture, their family, and what they want to be when they grow up,” said student body president, Jade Ealy.

The new and improved Project Beautiful is now called, “YOUnique Week” and it will last an entire week, rather than just a day. YOUnique Week will be promoting everybody’s unique way of expressing and being themselves. Basically, students are encouraged to come to school however they feel most themselves and confident; full makeup, no makeup. Hair up, hair down. T-shirt, or dress shirt. The purpose is to be yourself.

“I think it’s more positive in the way that we’re celebrating everything that makes us different from each other,” student council officer, Bethany Kloesel said.

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