History Club Book Drive to Run Through March 6

The History Club has set up a book drive which will run until March 6, 2018. They encourage both students and staff to bring in new or used books to donate to the drive. The book drive will benefit Timber Creek faculty, Keller Public Library as well as elementary and middle schools throughout the feeder pattern.

Last year the drive collected over 4100 books and this year the History Club is striving to surpass that number. The goal of the drive is to promote the greatness of the written word throughout both the the community and feeder pattern.

March 6-8 donations will be available to faculty members in room S210. Teachers are encouraged to  pick whatever books they would like from the donations, whether to build their literary library, or start a new book over Spring Break.

The drive accepts any genre of books with no donation being too small. Donations will be collected in room S210 until the drive’s end date. Students and staff can drop off donations before and after school or during periods 2B and 5.

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