Mr. Falcon Pageant: Recap and Behind the Scenes

This past Friday, on Feb. 2, our senior class officers and their sponsor, Emily Boehringer, hosted the second annual Mr. Falcon Pageant. At the event, 18 senior male contestants participated in a formal wear, talent, interview, and an active wear portion of the competition.

Not only did the Mr. Falcon Pageant turn out to be a successful social and comedic event, but it also helped raise money for an organization called, Mending Faces. This organization works with a local hospital that specializes in helping children with physical facial deformities like cleft lip and cleft palate, by financing their cosmetic surgeries, as well as offering them scholarships and school supplies.

Throughout the week prior to the pageant, the chosen 18 male contestants carried a box around with them to all their classes, collecting money for Mending Faces. On the night of the pageant, their boxes were also set out as a final encouragement for the audience to donate to the organization. Altogether, the contestants raised $562.72, enough for two children to receive the surgeries they need.

During the show, the contestants did their best to ‘woo’ the audience in hopes of gaining a few laughs and possibly winning the grand title of, ‘Mr. Falcon.’ There can only be one winner however, and that person was Joseph Cruz.

“It felt amazing to win Mr. Falcon, but I was shocked because there were a lot of really talented and funny guys in the competition,” Cruz said.

For the talent portion of the competition, Cruz preformed alongside three other candidates, Kyle Logan, Robert Moore, and Chris Fleming. The audience laughed hysterically as the all male group preformed a dance to a compilation of songs, one of which included, Single Ladies, by Beyonce.

“We stayed up until 5 a.m. the weekend before to choreograph the whole entire thing,”Cruz said.

Before hand all the performers in Cruz’s group agreed upon shaving their legs and wearing a sweatsuit that would be ripped of with pink shorts and a tank underneath.

“We all even agreed to shave our legs together the night before so we would look good the pink shorts,” Logan said.

At the end of the pageant, the emcees announced the judges, Falcon Favorite, won by Collin Barsanti, as well as a Miss Falcon, which was the contestant that raised the most money for Mending Faces, won by Chris Fleming.

The senior class president, Gracy Whitaker, and historian, Emily Uvaney emceed the pageant.

“I was so excited to get to emcee at Mr. Falcon because we spent so much time planning and organizing the event, and being able to be apart if it on the stage with all the boys was so fun,” Whitaker said.

Behind the scenes, there was also a lot of preparation involved in the planning for the pageant. The senior officers and Boehringer started organizing the pageant back in early December, when the candidates were beginning to be selected. The nominees were chosen through teacher recommendations of senior males that were supposedly, “outgoing, quirky, funny, and confident.” After that, the senior class officers chose 18 out of 50 nominees that they felt would thrive most on stage. The senior female escorts were solely chosen by the senior class officers, and they tried to choose girls from all different clubs and organizations throughout the school.

Once the male contestants were chosen, they had to fill out a questionnaire about their hobbies and interests. From there, the senior class officers formulated a paragraph for each of them that the emcees would read aloud as the contestants flaunted themselves on stage. Additionally, the night before the pageant, the contestants each received a list of all the possible questions that they could be asked during the interview portion of the pageant, but they had to draw randomly on stage out of all those before-seen questions.

The idea of hosting a Mr. Falcon pageant at Timber Creek originated from the senior class officers in the 2016-17 year. They saw something similar at a student council conference, and became inspired to re-work the event to fit to our school.

In comparison to the previous year’s pageant, the 2017-18 year was much more abundant. Last year there were less contestants, so this year the officers and Boehringer had to work hard to speed up the process so the duration time was no longer than 2 hours. In addition to that, this year, the senior class also reached out to David’s Bridal, a popular occasion dress shop, to rent prom dresses for the female escorts to wear if they agreed to advertise the dresses off during the event, which the emcees did.

“A lot of students came, made memories, laughed with their classmates, and had commodity between the senior class students coming together,” said Boehringer “The underclassmen also got to see what they have to look forward to in the future.”

View photos from the Mr. Falcon event taken by The Creek Yearbook:

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