NHS to Collect School Supplies for Victims of Florida School Shooting

National Honor Society is holding a supply drive for teachers at Stoneman Douglas High School in Florida, where a horrendous mass shooting that killed 17 victims occurred last Wednesday, Feb. 14.  

Many teachers and students will be displaced from their regular classrooms, and teachers will not be able to access their supplies.

To provide support and help the students adjust to their makeshift classrooms, NHS is collecting supplies through Tuesday, Feb. 27.

Some of us will be moving into conference rooms, computer labs that look like a prison, and teacher planning areas…we need stuff to make it look like a classroom,” a teacher at Stoneman Douglas High School posted.

Posters, classroom decorations, pencils, pens, notebooks, paper, and any other supplies that will help them run classes will be collected. Donations should be brought to room C122. NHS members can earn a group event credit for donating.

For more information, contact NHS sponsor Cerissa Johnson.

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