Round Two: DECA Competes at State

Five DECA Students competed in the second round of the annual DECA State Career Development Conference on Feb. 20 to Feb. 22.

“Even though we had no one to advance, I am incredibly proud of these students,” said advisor Peggy Strong

Wyatt Whitmill competed in Automative Services Marketing, Grace Adu competed in Principles of Hospitality, Cebrion Butler competed in Sport and Entertainment Marketing Series, Mercy Adu competed in Restaurant and Food Services Management Series, and Michael Fishman competed in Principles of Finance.

Strong said the reason for the results received, were because she was hired late, so the students of DECA did not have time to study and prepare as much as their competition. Looking on the “bright side”, Strong speaks on how difficult it is to make it to state in the first place, and what an accomplishment it is that these five students even got to compete.

“We look forward to taking the great start this year and building on it to new heights next year,” said Strong

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