Timber Creek Skills USA Animation Team Advances to State

An animation of a hot dog space cowboy is sending a group of Timber Creek students to Waco.

On Feb. 5, a SkillsUSA team made up of Timber Creek students advanced to the the state-level competition with their animation.

Rowan Small Jr., Hannah Boggs, Joe Monthie, and Audrey Weight created an animation of a hot dog space cowboy, which was made to look like a movie trailer.

“I’m extremely happy about going to state, I don’t usually go to competition, so to actually move forward is really surprising and exciting,” explained Small.

SkillsUSA is a partnership of students, teachers and industry working together to ensure America has a skilled workforce. The organization helps each student excel, and provides educational programs, events and competitions that support career and technical education in the nation’s classrooms.

“SkillsUSA empowers its members to become world class workers, leaders, and responsible American citizens,” explained Rowan Small Jr., SkillsUSA member. “SkillsUSA improves the quality of our nation’s future skilled workforce through the development of framework skills.”

Mr. Traughber, the who sponsored this SkillsUSA group, will take the group to Waco to compete for state from April 5-8.

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Lauren is a reporter for the Timber Creek Talon. She joined the Talon to express and deepen her love for writing. She is a senior this year and a drum major for the band.

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