TAFE State Competition Bodes Well for Students Success

Texas Association of Future Educators, or TAFE, club students competed at the state competition Feb. 17. 10 of Timber Creek’s students competed in the event. This program is set up for students who plan on pursuing a career in education, in either the classroom or administration. The program also helps further students knowledge in leadership, interviewing, and public speaking skills.

Faith Kelly, a student who competed in the Child Literature category at regionals and state, explained how she prepared for the competition and what she presented.

“So me and a partner got together, and you can either be an illustrator, author, or we can mix it up between the both of us, and what we did is we created a book,” said Kelly, “ But we have a limit of how many pages we can have, and we had to create a storyline for the appropriate age, so we could either draw pictures, print pictures, or cut pictures out to create a scrapbook kind of thing.”

The students are able to have the freedom to express themselves while teaching younger students.

“It’s kind of like a free for all where you kind of just do it how you want to, but when we actually go to competition we have to read our book, our literature book was actually bilingual, so my partner was able to read it in spanish and I read the english version,” said Kelly.

Kelly also talked about her plans for the future, and how TAFE has helped her decide what she wants to do after college.

“I do plan on going into elementary school teaching like in second or third grade,” said Kelly. “So this has really helped me with  trial and error, and helped me learn what I need to do differently, even just doing the competitions has helped me decide like what grade I want to teach, and being a state officer has helped me learn so many leadership skills and how to really make a difference in the world.”  

The following is a list of the students who competed and what category they competed in.

Abigail Scherer- Project Visualize Education

Faith Kelly- Child Lit.

Alejandra Rubio- Child Lit.

Cally Hodges- Chapter Scrapbook

Kylee Johnston- Job Interview

Meagan Chormicle- Exploring Admin Careers

Ashlee Rusler- Chapter Scrapbook

Rachel Scherer- Project Visualize Education

Avery Acosta- Public Speaking

Siomara Salas- Regional 11A Officer

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