A Miracle Minute for a Miracle Cause: Interact Club Fundraiser for ShelterBox

TCHS Interact Club will be participating in the third annual district-wide fundraiser for ShelterBox on March 29, 2018. During the announcements on Thursday, in 2B classes, there will be a “Miracle Minute” where a brown bag will be passed around collecting donations for the ShelterBox fundraiser. Donations will be collected towards the end of the period and the winning class will receive a donut party. Last year, Senora Williams’ class won, raising $126.75.

ShelterBox is an organization that provides basic necessities for a families who have been affected in recent natural disasters . The shelter allows displaced families to create a space where they can have privacy and promotes a sense of safety and security in the wake of desolation.

“ShelterBox means a lot to me because it’s a lot about helping people in need that we can’t even imagine some of the things these families go through. Natural disasters or humanitarian crisis, these people lose absolutely everything except the clothes on their back,” Melissa West, sponsor for the Interact Club, said during last year’s fundraiser.

Each box costs around $1,000 (including transportation to the country in need) and includes essential pieces for a durable shelter.

“So ShelterBox works internationally and helps people get back on their feet and they provide a really durable tent, pots and pans, and they even provide coloring books for kids and so it’s important to me because I think it’s vital we reach out to other countries in need.” said West

ShelterBox has assisted dozens of countries, including Nepal, Haiti, Syria and the United States. For more information on the organization visit the ShelterBox website. ShelterBox representatives will also be in the cafeteria on March 28 to answer any additional questions donators may have.

Timber Creek previously came in first place last year after raising $1,426.30. Additionally, as a district, KISD partnered with the Keller Rotary Club to purchase six ShelterBoxes. This year the club is especially excited to be able to track where the ShelterBoxes will go and who they are helping.

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