Abbott Takes Charge With New Library Furniture

If one has entered the library within the days following spring break, they would have noticed that it got a bit of a face-lift. The library received new furniture, which according to librarian Brandy Abbott, was a long time coming. The entire process took three to four months, with color-swatching, measuring, and asking library attendees their opinions. Abbott wanted everything to fall into place accordingly.

“I asked pretty much everyone that came in [to the library] what they thought about the colors,” Abbott said. “I knew we really needed a little bit of a pattern to make [the seating area] stand out”

According to Abbott, there was plenty of back-and-forth between her and the representative of the furniture company, exchanging drawings and ideas.

She also says it was the opening of Timber Creek’s coffee shop, “The Daily Grind” on Sept., 12 that made her realize the library could use a new update.

“We wanted furniture that lent itself more to a dining area,” said Abbott, “that way there would be more of an eating environment than a stereotypical school library.”

The couches are vinyl to prevent stains, because Abbott said this furniture has to “last a long time.”

In addition to giving the library a new look, Abbott went above and beyond, and gave the furniture a twist.

“When we moved the circulation desk to the back of the library, there were a lot of exposed power outlets that we didn’t want to go to waste,” Abbott explained

With this inkling, Abbott decided to also turn the furniture into a charging station. Students can now plug their phones into the new furniture.

Upon being asked if there will be any more updates to the library, Abbott said, “absolutely.”

“Next on the list is the couches,” said Abbott. “They have served their time, but they are well worn.”

Abbott also plans on getting new backing on the wooden chairs, more posters, and colored wrap on the padding that makes the library sound proof.

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