Opportunity to Make Up Seat Time on March 30

Although students do not have instructional classes to attend on Friday March 30, those who owe seat time will have the opportunity to earn eight hours if they come to school from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. that day. Students may sign up in the south office to attend.

A student will be required to make up seat time if they have 9 or more absences during first or fifth period, or 4 absences during second, third or fourth period. If a student is unsure if they owe seat time, they may count up their hours owed on Home Access Center or see Gusti Ratliff in the south office.

Students are asked to arrive five minutes prior to the designated time of arrival on Friday morning, and are not required to stay the full eight hours if they are unable to, or do not owe the entire eight hours worth of seat time.

Seniors that owe seat time won’t be able to purchase a prom ticket or graduate until they make up their hours. If a student doesn’t make up their hours, they may not get credit for the course they missed.

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