Students Create Tape Art For Big Art Day

Thursday, March 1, was Big Art Day, and to celebrate, Art Teacher Jennifer Thompson’s Sculpture II and III classes used painter’s tape to create art along the walls on north hall and the fine arts hall.

Schools all over Texas participated in Big Art Day as it was sponsored by TAEA, or the Texas Art Education Association. The purpose of Big Art Day is to raise awareness for art education in Texas communities and to promote art as a creative force.

In addition to Big Art Day, March is Youth Art Month, promoting art and art education throughout schools and museums all across the United States.

“[The project] is just something I’ve always wanted to do,” explained Thompson. “I felt like it was a really good way for the students to express themselves and to promote art.”

Students were able to create their own artworks along the walls, including 3D art.

“I can see the excitement in their projects,” described Thompson. “Their drawings are large, very detailed and their motivated to create art.”

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